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During this year’s IIW 2019 our own digital identities program director Kristina Yasuda did a presentation on behalf of IBO to discuss “Identity for All Part 1: Refugees, Victims of human trafficking, and Marginalized Populations” and “Identity for All Part 2: How can tech present at IIW help with digital identity for marginalized populations?” .

Here’s her own recount of the presentations at the IIW 2019 summit;

Identity for All Part I brought together different projects that work on digital identity for marginalized communities to share their experiences, and struggles. Aside from the Invisibles working with refugees and doctors in Bangladesh, we had AnnieCommons, DIF, Microsoft, Kiva, Human Centered Internet, Safe Child Trafficking, New America, and others.

During Part 2 of Identity for All Part 2 we asked how can tech present at IIW help with digital identity for marginalized populations? – The goal was to make people think of new applications for the technology they are building. One of the insights from the tech side was that it is relatively easy to solve problems posed from the humanitarian side. The real problem is really legal, governance, and ethical.

We broke up into 3 groups who each discussed a separate topic:

1. Trust-waterfall (aka Web of Trust): a group explored means to re-establish identification without relying on tech, with the help of the community 2. The balance between privacy and sense of belonging: one caveat that came up was the definition of privacy varying across context: American definition does not always apply. How can biometrics bridge the gap? 3. The balance between identification and tracking: how can we have interoperability between jurisdictions with appropriate level of tracking

We had a diverse group of participants with different expertise and various geographies, which made the discussions even more interesting.

View our detailed notes from each session 1 and session 2.

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